Margot Karsch-Baran / Graphic Design

« Designing is not
a profession but an attitude.
Thinking in relationships. »

Moholy-Nagy, Vision in Motion, 1947

Graduated from the School of Art & Design in Valence and the Faculty of Arts in Strasbourg, I put my skills at the service of projects whose values I share.

From print to digital, or space and objects, I like to explore media to offer my clients new forms to convey their message and their vision of the world.

I put my skills at the service of projects driven by a desire for transmission and change. My practice is oriented on the convictions of the project and the most effective, transparent and singular way of conveying them to the public.

Based in London, I work with clients from all backgrounds and locations.

To know more about my professional path

My degree subjects

DNAT graphic design /
The intermediary role of the translator, parallel with the designer.

DNSEP graphic design /
Active pedagogies, how can design support them?

M2 Design & Architecture Research /
New conception of the design practice through the emergence of new paradigms, especially in innovation and civic projects.

Design as a tool
for change

Today's design is in line with our time and its challenges. It meet the needs of a society of which it is both a driving force of transformation but also a reflection of evolution.

Design alone cannot solve all the problems in the world, but it can still be a tool for change.

This implies that designers question their role, question their practices to support changes in society as they always have. Design, heir to industrial aesthetics, is definitely emerging from the straitjacket in which it has too often been confined by public opinion, considering it as a simple agent of pageantry, or a tool of capitalism.

It is plural and can serve to build a desirable world.

The designer as facilitator approach invites me to adopt a contextual and singular approach through the production of processes and systems adapted to each situation. The objective is to facilitate access to a service, information, content.


To design with and not only for users, playing the role of innovation accelerator for an approach that revolves around relationships.

The designer as capacitor approach places me as a temporary intermediary. My goal is to offer empowerment solutions that support the emergence of skills, communities or systems.


This approach is part of the search for a desirable world based on transmission.

The designer as speculator, who uses his status as a discipline central to our way of being in the world and our understanding of it, to question the paradigms of society through it and explore ways to create a desirable world for tomorrow.


This critical approach makes it possible to take distance, to create a field of questioning thanks to a change of discursive model and an implication of the affect.

Imagine that you have before you a flagon of wine.

You may choose your own favourite vintage for this imaginary demonstration, so that it be a deep shimmering crimson in colour.

You have two goblets before you. One is of solid gold, wrought in the most exquisite patterns. The other is of crystal-clear glass, thin as a bubble, and as transparent. […] if you are a member of that vanishing tribe, the amateurs of fine vintages, you will choose the crystal, because everything about it is calculated to reveal rather than hide the beautiful thing which it was meant to contain.

Suivez-moi dans cette métaphore inépuisable et parfumée ;
vous découvrirez que pratiquement toutes les vertus du parfait verre à vin ont leur équivalent en typographie.

The Crystal Goblet, or Printing Should Be Invisible by Beatrice Warde, London, 1955

Tell me more about your project !

If you are looking for the graphic designer to create your crystal glass.

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